Sunday, May 2, 2010


The ancient royal capital of Cirebon holds performances of masked dances, some of which continue traditions from hundreds of years ago. In the city of Subang there is the Bajidoran performance, and all over Sunda you can hear the soft melodious environments of Gamelan Degung and Tari Kreasi Baru (modern dance).

The Jaipongan dance is normally associated with the cultural life of Bandung; this dance is very popular in West Java and can even be thought of as one of Indonesia's national dances, as it is popular everywhere around the archipelago. Created by combining Sundanese classical dances, this dance often involves the entire audience joining in.

Wayang Golek
Then there is Wayang Golek, an art form particular to West Java, and one which has survived many generations. Wayang is performed not merely for entertainment but also functions as a method of religious and philosophical teaching. Wayang Golek is performed by a Dalang, acting all at once as narrator, operator and performer. The performance customarily lasts all night long.

Gamelan Degung and Tembang SundaSome of the most classical genres, such as Gamelan Degung and Tembang Sunda are little more than a century old, and have changed fundamentally in the last fifty years. To remain in work, performers must follow artistic fashion.

Batik cloth is made in a traditional technique of hand decorating, which has been handed down for generations. This age-old method of drying cloth painted in patterns with the aid of molten wax was first introduced by Persians and Egyptians and brought to Indonesia in the 13th century by early traders, then broadened and improved upon by the Javanese.

Traditionally batik is designed in subtle shades of blue, brown and white, produced with natural vegetable dyes. A design is drawn on paper, then traced onto the cloth using a cooper funnel (Canting) to transfer the hot wax from a vessel, as it is painted on the fabric through a hollow-pointed instrument. Whether painted or stamped, Batik is one of the most popular Indonesian craft textiles.

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