Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Guntur Mountain

Mt. Guntur (Thunder Mountain), the bare flank of which is sufficient evidence of recent activity. In the last century, Junghuhn, the Java researcher, listed Mt. Guntur as the second most and dangerous volcano on Java after Mt. Lamongan (in East Java) and before Mt. Merapi (near Yogyakarta). Its eruption of 1840 sent red hot lava all the way down to Cipanas. Mt. Guntur's most recent eruption in 1992 spewed lava once again from its top crater.

The lower crater, a kind of plateau, has a good view from the eastern flank of the mountain. The upper crater is on a cone at the very top and towers above the lower one. You can drive part way up the slope but then have to walk to reach these craters.

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