Sunday, May 2, 2010

Curug Orok

Approximately 29 kilometers to the southwest side of Garut city is natural tourist resort found, namely Curug Orok, to be exact at Cikandang village, Cikajang sub district. This resort constitutes a beautiful waterfall because the path to the site divides tea plantation.

The natural panorama around Curug Orok (Orok Waterfall) and mountain atmosphere adorned with green tea plantation spread is an attraction to be offered in this resort. No wonder many teenagers come here to enjoy. Other activity that can be done in this location is to take a bath under the clean waterfall.

Its atmosphere is very nice for the tourists to look for peace and stay away from the tiring city. To reach this resort we can use our private vehicles or public transportation in the direction of Garut Bungbulang.

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