Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Youth Oath Building

The Youth Oath Building is located at Jalan Kramat Raya No. 106, Senen, Central Jakarta. Before 1928, this building was a dormitory for students who came from outside Java, besides being the place for gathering and discussion on political matters and a place for cultural trainings for students coming from various groups at that time, like groups naming themselves Jong Java (Jong = Young), Jong Celebs, Jong Ambon, Jong Sumatra and others.

On 28th October 1928, an oath was echoed in this building by the Indonesian youth, which later known as “Sumpah Pemuda” (Youth Oath), proclaiming “one country: country of Indonesia, one nation: nation of Indonesia and one language: Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language)”. It was noted that several youth figures was lived in this dorm were Muhammad Yamin, Amir Syarifuddin, Suryadi, Asaat, Abu Hanifah, Tamzil and others.

After physical revolution, this building was used as a hotel called “Hotel Hersia” until 1951, and after that it was used for office of Custom and Excise. During the administration of Governor Ali Sadikin this building was bought by the DKI Jakarta Regional Administration and in 1972 was declared to be one of the historical buildings and administrated under “Letter of Decision of DKI Jakarta Governor No. 479”, declaring that this building should be protected and kept up by Jakarta Regional Administration.


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