Sunday, May 2, 2010

Park and Reserves

Kebun Raya Bogor

You can find one of the biggest botanical gardens in the world, covers 110 hectares of land, and was established in 1817. The garden is renowned for its range of tropical botanical specimens, features pathways through bamboo stands, rattan, orchids, water lilies, fountain lakes, a miniature tropical rainforest and zoological museum.

About 15,000 native plants collected from all over Indonesia and foreign species introduced from many tropical countries are now grown in the garden. There is an excellent zoological museum in the southern part of the garden, with an immense collection of 30,000 specimens of land and sea creatures from throughout Indonesia, along with a richly- illustrated library of this botanical zone.

The park is still a major centre for botanical research in Indonesia. The gardens contain streams and lotus ponds and more than 15,000 species of trees and plants, including 400 types of magnificent palms. The gardens' orchid houses are reputed to contain more than 3,000 orchid varieties and are open to the general public.

Nusantara Flower Garden
Nusantara Flower Garden, has collected more than 300 varieties of flowers, on the 35 hectare site. Shapes and colors of roses become another show at Nusantara Flower Garden. Tea rose species from Australia and America are available here.

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