Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Papandayan Mountain

A visit to Mt. Papandayan is one of the most spectacular outings to an active volcano you can make. Golden sulphur crystals, hissing, team, boiling mud and water, blue and black creeks, all set in a large crater with a commanding view over the Garut Plain make this outing in unforgettable experience.

This mountain is an active volcano; the first time of its eruption was in August 1772, at that time it threw up cubic of materials as far as one kilometer to the air, causing casualties of 3000 people dead and piling up 40 villages around that volcano

The 6,500 hectares area surrounding the 2,622 meters Gunung Papandayan forms a unique volcanic landscape, 36 kilometers southwest of Garut. The volcano has a number of craters: Kawah Alun-Alun, Kawah Papandayan and Kawah Mas. The most visited crater is Kawah Mas (Golden Crater). You can descend into this crater and enter an underworld of lava, ashes, poisonous gasses, hissing mud pools and golden sulphur deposits. Be careful, as there are a number of dangers, it is always recommended to hire an experienced guide when hiking around volcanoes!

Access to the mountain is easy with any vehicle. Public buses take you only to within 9 km of the crater, so you either have to walk the rest of the way or take an ojek (private motorbike with driver).
Though you can drive directly to the rim of the crater, keep in mind that your safety is not guaranteed, hot steam and boiling water and mud can scald you badly, and many of the sharp-edged rocks are rather loose. Do be careful.

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