Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kawah Mas at Mt. Papandayan

Place of special interest visit Papandayan is exploring Papandayan's active crater where its offers you a very unusual experience.

Kawah Mas or the "Golden Crater" is the Papandayan's 150 meter-wide central dome. Here roaring fumaroles sounding like jet engines exude scorching vapor, and the residual heat from previous eruptions glows ominously in the volcano's interior. Through the open northwestern side of the crater is fantastic view stretches before you across the whole Garut plain.

You can descend into this crater and enter an underworld of lava, ashes, poisonous gasses, hissing mud pools and golden sulphur deposits.

After visiting this unique place, you may feel like having a picnic in the fresh breeze, Climb up the left side of Kawah Mas, if facing the road. Where a 15-minutes walk leads up to a small plateau with a lovely view over the Garut plateau. The Mt. Papandayan crater is truly a visual feast.

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