Heritage of Jakarta
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital is located at Jalan Diponegoro No. 71, Central Jakarta. The building was built in around 1919 until 1926 with European architectural design. At first, the name of the hospital was Central Burgerlijke Zieekenninriching and commonly known as CBZ. Now the hospital status is Central Public Hospital (RSUP/RSCM). The historical aspect of the hospital is the health concern from the colonial government especially towards the natives. On the other side, this hospital also provided opportunities for the Indonesian to become health experts and gave chance to the growth of Indonesian educated people that finally supported the National Movement (Indonesian Independence). One of the experts was Dokter Cipto Mangunkusumo whose name was used as the name of the hospital.
Source: www.jakarta-tourism.go.id
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