Saturday, May 1, 2010

State Palace

The State Palace is located at Jalan Veteran 17, Central Jakarta. At first it was a land owned by Van Isseldijk, an official of “Raad van Indie” (Council of the Indies of the Dutch East Indie Company/VOC). After the death of Van Isseldijk, the land was owned by Van Braam and during the Raffles era (1811-1816), a lavish and glamour palace was built. The building stand on an area 51.920 m2 with construction cost NF 289.250. The construction was carried out by “Firma Dussor” in the 19th century with neoclassic architecture design.

The Governor General who used this State Palace building as residence and office was Baron Van Der Capellen. Being a palace, this building was often used as a palace for officials of the Dutch Government (Council of the East Indies/Raad van Indie) to stay. Since that time the State Palace is used as a residence, office and place for assembly. In this palace Governor General Van Linbeerg Stirum held a session to resolve the problem of Indonesian movement members who tried to liberate from Indonesia, and in 1942 the last Governor General Tjarda Van Stachouwer signed the agreement surrendering his government to the Japanese.

During the Japanese era (1942-1945), the State Palace was occupied by Seiko Shikikan (Head of military Government). In 1947 the State Palace was used as the place for signing the Linggarjati Agreement and on 28 January 1949 the United Nations was initiating the Indonesia-Netherlands discussion, led by Mohammad Roem from Indonesia and Van Royen from the Netherlands.


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